A Slice of Medieval Podcast
Welcome to my podcasts on Medieval History.
My early podcasts are about the Wars of the Roses period which I’ve taught and studied for longer than I’d like to admit. In these podcasts I try to provide a starting point for readers who want to find out more about the turbulent period in which some of my historical fiction stories are set.
A couple of years ago I started a new podcast journey in tandem with my good friend, historian Sharon Bennett Connolly. Our series of podcasts, A Slice of Medieval, aims to blend history and historical fiction as we examine topics and themes of the Middle Ages. You can follow us on X (Twitter) @medievalslice to find out what is coming next or to engage further in the series.
The podcasts are hosted on Soundcloud but you can also access them on iTunes, Spotify and other podcast platforms if you search for A Slice of Medieval. If you are minded to give a rating or review then that would be fabulous. You can also make comments on the podcasts – please be kind!
The music extract for the Wars of the Roses podcasts is from “Never Tell Me The Odds”, composed by Johannes Bornlöf and the music for A Slice of Medieval Podcast is ‘Mural Legends’ by Adriel Fair. Both are licensed for use by courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com.
Finally, if you’re interested in historical fiction but have not yet sampled my books, you might want to see how I’ve woven the history into the fiction by having a look at my first book, Feud, which is available from bookshops or on Amazon. It is also available as an audiobook on Audible UK or Audible.com.

Podcast Playlists
A Slice of Medieval
Historian Sharon Bennett Connolly and historical fiction author, Derek Birks combine to produce fun and informative podcasts on aspects of medieval history.
The Wars of the Roses
A starting point for readers who want to find out more about the turbulent period of The Wars of the Roses.
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